Saturday, May 5, 2012

In "The Leap," how does the author build suspense throughout the story until the true nature of the events she suggests are revealed?

One way that an author can build suspense in their work is
through their use of foreshadowing, which is defined as planting hints about events that will
occur later in the plot. This is certainly a strategy that Ercrich uses very well from the very
first paragraph. Note how the narrator tells us at the beginning of the story raises our suspense
by creating a mystery that is yet to be unfolded:


I would, in fact, tend to think that all memory of double
somersaults and heart-stopping catches had left her arms and legs were it not for the fact that
sometimes, as I sit sewing in the room of the rebuilt house in which I slept as a child, I hear
the crackle, catch a whiff of smoke from the stove downstairs, and suddenly the room goes dark,
the stitches burn beneath my fingers, and I am sewing with a needle of hot silver, a thread of

Note how this quote leaves us
with so many questions: why was her childhood house "rebuilt"? Why is the "thread of fire" so
significant to her and why does it relate back to her mother's former life as a trapeze artist?
It is foreshadowing like this that makes this story so suspenseful as the author plants
tantalising hints of what actually happens later on to keep us reading.

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