Thursday, May 10, 2012

In The Miracle Worker, descibe Annie Sullivan physically. What kind of young woman was she?

Considering what a pertinent character Annie Sullivan is
to this play and to Helen Keller's life, it's interesting that we aren't introduced to
her for a while.  When she is finally introduced, however, we are given a detailed
description in the stage directions:


The chair contains a girl of 20, Annie
Sullivan, with a face which in repose is grave and rather obstinate, and when active is
impudent, combative, twinkling with all the life that is lacking in Helen's, and
handsome; there is a crude vitality to

description leaves no question as to Annie's character.  Even her features exhibit
obstinacy!  Ha!  Even more is revealed later in that same scene.  A last bit of
information comes from Annie's mentor, Anagnos:


Always an Irish battle.  For independence. ...
You do lack some--by some I mean all--what, tact or talent to blend.  To others.  And
what has saved you on more than one occasion here at Perkins is that there was nowhere
to expel you to.  Your eyes hurt?

Annie: My ears, Mr.

(And now she has opened her eyes; they
are inflamed, vague, slightly crossed, clouded by the granular growth of trachoma, and
she often keeps them closed to shut out the pain of

"handsome" Irish girl of only 20, beautiful except for her eyes that bear the obvious
redness and puffiness of trachoma.  When she's resting, her face looks "obstinate." 
When she's active, her face looks "impudent."  Direct reflections of her personality. 
She has an inability to "blend in" with others, ... as well as a crass sense of humor. 
Her ears hurt (from Anagnos' comments), not her eyes (from the

As you can see, the physical description
revealed by Gibson gives the perfect introduction to the character of Annie and, in
fact, reflects her exact personality.

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