Monday, May 21, 2012

Please apply psycoanalytic criticism to Nataniel Hawthrone's "Young Goodman Brown."Nathaniel Hawthorne's "Young Goodman Brown"

In searching for the underlying motives and thinking of Goodman
Brown, the reader need look first to the exposition of Hawthorne's "Young Goodman Brown."
There,the sanctimonious Puritan, Goodman Brown, tells his wife Faith that he is going into the
forest primeval just "this one night." In fact, he deludes

With this
excellent resolve for the future, Goodman Brown felt himself justified in making more haste on
his present evil purpose.

Brown leads his wife to think that he makes the journey into the forest because it is a task that
he must accomplish, when he is actually challenging the devil:


"There may be a devilish Indian behind every tree," said
Goodman Brown to himself; and he glanced fearfully behind him as he added, "What if the devil
himself should be at my very

Brown feels that he must test
his faith, and as a good Puritan, he feels justified in what he does, believing himself a
Christian who can resist evil. However, when the old man with the staff that resembles a serpent
appears, he is the likeness of Goodman himself,


...the second traveller was ...apparently in the same rank
of life as Goodman Brown, and bearing a considerable resemblance to him, though perhaps more in
expression than features.

This second
traveller, who claims to have been good friends with Brown's father, laughs when Goodman claims
to be a man of "prayer and good works to boot, [who] abide[s] no such wickedness." Apparently,
the traveller is the darker side of Goodman himself, a side which he refuses to admit because of
his Puritan beliefs that he is saved. As further proof of this, while Goodman and the elder
traveller continue, the traveller's exhortations to "persevere in the path and discourses" seem

rather to spring up in
the bosom of his auditor than to be suggested by

Because Brown's faith is too
simple in itself--he says he will go "just this one night" to witness the black mass--his Puritan
self-righteousness projects his own Calvinistic sense of Depravity and Original Sin from which he
cannot free himself onto others. So, as the pink ribbons of Faith waft through the air, Brown
perceives not his faith being lost, but that of his wife's just as he views the evil purpose of
Goody Cloyse and Deacon Gookin. Yet, despite his sanctimony, he becomes "a distrustful, if not a
desperate man from the night of that fearful dream" as his inner self looks into his corrupted
heart and feels the "loathful brotherhood by the sympathy of all that was wicked in

Young Goodman Brown's night at the black sabbath elicits his
underlying motives to create illusions to justify his Calvinistic indoctrination about the
concept of total depravity. It is from this concept that Brown's Puritan gloom emanates; it is
from this concept that no deeply thinking mind is completely free, Hawthorne seems to

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