Friday, May 11, 2012

What is an indirect quote that shows Atticus's courage?To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Certainly, Atticus's bravery is exhibited in Chapter 10 when
takes Mr. Tate's rifle after so many years of not having held one and shoots Tim Johnson, the
rabid dog.  When Mr. Tate, the sheriff just cannot try, feeling he will not be accurate for the
one shot opportunity to kill the dog and insists that Atticus shoot, Atticus defers, saying that
he has not fired a gun in years. However, as he senses the urgency of his shooting the dog,
Atticus takes aim:

movements so swift they seemed simultaneous, Atticus's hand yanked a ball-tipped lever as he
brought the gun to his shoulder....The rifle cracked.  Tim Johnson...didn't know what hit

Afterwards, Miss Maudie asks the
children if they still think Atticus cannot do anything; she explains why he never has told them
before of his skill, "If your father's anything, he's civilized in his

In another instance Atticus, cognizant of the fact that the
prejudices of his environment will never allow justice for Tom Robinson, he, nonetheless, defends
the innocent man as best he can.  After the trial, Bob Ewell threatens Atticus, saying he will
"get him."  One day outside the courthouse, Bob Ewell accosts Atticus, spitting on him.  Then, in
Chapter 23, the children hear this incident:


According to Miss Stephanie Crawford,...Mr. Ewell
approached him, cursed him, spat on him, and threated to kill him....Miss Stephanie said Atticus
didn't bat an eye, just took out his handkerchief and wiped his face and stood there and let Mr.
Ewell call him names wild horses could not bring her to repeat. Mr. Ewell...inquire[d], "Too
proud to fight, you n--lovin' bastard?"...Atticus said, "No, too

Scout refuses to believe
that Atticus is anything but brave.  Else, why would he have shot the rabid dog that "wandered
their neighborhood?" she asks. When Atticus returns home he explains to the children that Bob
Ewell had to take his anger out on somebody and he would rather it be he than that "houseful of
children out there."

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