Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What is Thoreau's remedy for our hectic, detail-crowded lives?

In terms of the question, I think that Thoreau's answer
would be to find solitude and revel in it.  For Thoreau, the notion of solitude allows
individuals to gain control over their own lives.  Thoreau believed that social
conformity and the notion of living life for others in the cosmopolitan and social
setting is one where individuals lose sight of their own lives.  In the establishment of
solitude, Thoreau feels that individuals can follow their own "drummer" and live life on
their own terms, finding their own voice in the process.  It is this empowerment that
helps to place the hectic details of consciousness in their own perspective.  When
Thoreau says, "To be in company, even with the best, is soon wearisome and dissipating,"
he is suggesting that the best way to simplify consciousness into a unity of pure and
true is to find and establish a zone of solitude that is not to be permeated by others
and the trappings of society.

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